Retroneo Style ORGAN
Retoneo Style ORGAN is a hybrid of the Synthesizer, Instrument and Organ.
SYNTH Plus Style ORGAN is a Synthesizer, Instrument and Classic Organ in one.
Required VST Host Windows-32bit
The Retroneo and SYNTH Plus are an extended version of the Style ORGAN SYNTH Model.
Classic and expressive-dynamic sounds of the Synthesizer.
Classic and vibrate tones of the Tonewheel Organ.
Bank - 128 Presets.
Extra - 128 Presets, Bank Original Style ORGAN v1.7 P8 S /SYNTH Plus/.
Nine Standard Drawbars /switch Unisono for UNIT2/.
Adjustable Key Click and Percussion - Decay, Level, Color Click, Mix-2nd
Harmonic Intensity for an individual Drawbar - On/Off.
Modulation Fm. Scanner Vibrato ,Wide Pan, Joystick Twin Filter.
Envelope ADSR and Envelope Twin Filter for UNIT1 and UNIT2.
Noise. Delay, Chorus, Reverberation.
Rotary Speakers and Distortion./Retroneo/.
Many another at main Panel and container UNIT /LFO, Pitch, Level, Twin
Filter-combine LowPass, Band Pass, Hi Pass and Band Reject/.
Medium CPU and intuitive Interface
VST Plugin Style ORGAN was created using:
Module DH_Reverb © David Haupt
Module DAV_Chorus By Christian-W.Budde